Eric Cook
In June of 2020, Eric created MBA. However, due to several unforeseen challenges, including the rise of Covid 19, he was prevented from launching until May 5th 2021. Though the delay in launch time, MBA has thrived in its first year, generating $158,000 dollars in referred business, conducting 3 Ribbon Cutting ceremonies, and helping bring new minority business investments to Spartanburg County. It has been an asset to Spartanburg County businesses and individuals alike by not only acting as the ultimate minority business connector, and lead generation platform, but also by becoming a one stop shop for all minority business startup needs.

Jessica Farmer
I can heal 100 % open-minded and committed individuals get their WHOLE life in balance by creating a program so powerful it will heal them from every health related issue they request. The focus is a HOLISTIC approach of the mind & body in wellness and aesthetic packages.
I am driven to heal other individuals because through healing myself from a widespread condition called high cholesterol, I reversed it 100%. My blood was clogged with excess fats which could of lead to death, heart attack and/or stroke.
My Story
I am here today because I did not accept the No’s of others attempting to deter my dreams. Those negative comments flamed the fuel inside me to tackle the difficult situations, learn from the situations and then maximize my practice.
What I know is EVERYTHING you say you desire, you can be obtain with 100% consistency, motivation, self-awareness, renewed mind-set, dietary lifestyle and increase in-activity 365 days a year; you deserve it.
Jessica Farmer, MS, APRN, FNP-C
Healing Head To Toe LLC
Meet our Ambassador

Alexander Mitchell

Quatina Wright
Quatina is a native of the Upstate of South Carolina. She is also a member of the Southside Lions Club. Quatina has a passion for helping individuals in anyway possible. She likes taking vacations with family and friends. Quatina mission for being an MBA ambassador to gain knowledge, business connections and proudly serve her community. Quatina is currently pursuing her degree in Business Management.

Emmitt Vogt
Emmitt B. Vogt is a native of Greenville, South Carolina. He attended the public schools of
Greenville County’s District 25, graduating from Southside High School in 2011 where he
served as Student Government President as a senior. In 2015, he completed his undergraduate
coursework in Biology and Environmental Science at the illustrious Morris College, in Sumter,
South Carolina.
He is a former educator of the Sumter School District, where he taught secondary sciences and
participated with many activities involving his students and he preoccupy various roles within
the community and local businesses now in both the Sumter and Greenville areas.
Matriculating through Morris College, he participated and held numerous positions as a student
within the Appeals Committee, Student Government Association, National Panhellenic Council,
Pre-Alumni Council, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Club,
Toastmasters Club, Cooperative Education (Co-op) Club.
Professionally, Mr. Vogt is a member of the Morris College Board of Trustees, Fresh Start
Transitional Project Executive Board, Greenville Commerce Club, Minority Business
Associates, Urban League of the Upstate Young Professionals, Greenville County District 23
Community Leaders, Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., Delta Sigma Chi Chiropractic Fraternity,
Toastmasters Club International, Morris College National Alumni Association (MCNAA),
American College of Physicians, American Black Chiropractic Association (ABCA), South
Carolina Chiropractic Association (SCCA), and several other local and internationally known
Many recognitions and awards have been bestowed upon him however to name a few are the:
Morris College Dean’s List, Sherman College Dean’s List, Southeastern Grocers Associate of
the Month, Teacher with improved student Benchmark scores, The United States Department of
Energy-Environmental Management (US DOE-EM) Scholar, and the Epsilon Lambda Chapter:
Omega Man of the Year Award and Citizen of the Year Award.
As a firm believer that it’s most important for us to know “Why we do what we do”. He believes
that when our “WHY” is great enough the way we achieve our goals “the WHAT” doesn’t
matter. He personally “Aspires to educate and uplift individuals to uplift others”, which he refers
to as his “WHY”.
Emmitt is currently a December 2022 candidate of the Doctor of Chiropractic degree at Sherman
College of Chiropractic in Boiling Springs, South Carolina, embarking on his desire of becoming
a Chiropractic Physician, enabling himself to be a beacon of influence by removing vertebral
subluxation to promote health in his community and across the world.